

Hi 👋, I'm Erick, a 17-year-old Brazilian PHP Developer!

Currently working with Symfony and Next.Js!


Bilhalba Projetos Elétricos

At Bilhalba Projetos Elétricos (opens in a new tab), I constructed an efficient website and implemented initiatives to minimize expenses associated with email and storage. These efforts resulted in significant cost reductions and improved operational efficiency.

Health in Capão da Canoa

My presence in Capão da Canoa - Litoral of Brazil is notable. I migrated three website to a cheaper server, ensuring uninterrupted service. I also provide ongoing maintenance, where the clients appreciates the quick response time, reflecting my commitment to efficient support.

Web Systems

The Nystron Solar Web Project

I built This project (opens in a new tab), providing Nystron Solar's engeneers many tools for monitoring solar generation data.

Key Features

Open Source Projects 🐘

With lots of projects On my personal GitHub (opens in a new tab), I enjoy exploring new concepts and technologies.

Precise Money

This package (opens in a new tab) is a powerful tool for handling monetary values with precision in PHP applications by working with decimal values down to cents. Regular updates and bug fixes ensure that the package remains reliable and up-to-date.

Nystron Solar - Growatt Api

This package (opens in a new tab) is a powerful tool for integrating and consuming data from the Growatt solar inverter monitoring API. It simplifies the process of fetching, analyzing, and utilizing solar energy data.


I also write posts in my Personal Blog (opens in a new tab) about PHP. For Portuguese posts, visit my TabNews (opens in a new tab)

© Erick Bilhalba Abella.